Bible Text: Genesis 1:28
” God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”(NIV)

To some people,today is probably the first working day of the year. Some might have resumed work immediately after the New Year Celebration. Whether you have resumed or just resuming,i release the power fruitfulness into your endeavor this year in Jesus name.

Fruitfulness is a state of being extremely productive or prolific. Any endeavor that produces good,beneficial and profitable result is said to be fruitful. On the other hand when there is no significant result,an endeavor is said to be fruitless. From today’s text,fruitfulness is a mandate from God. The intention of God for you is never to be barren or fruitless.You are created and destined to be fruitful . Your divine mandate from God is to be fruitful, expand, take charge and dominate the earth around you. You have already been blessed with a fruitful mind to manifest this mandate. Your mind is a very powerful tool to create and execute things. It’s like an incubator where God sows seeds of ideas, aspirations and their possibilities. As with all plants or ideas, you have to care and nurture those ideas so that they grow fully and bring you a good harvest.You become a vessel through which God can demonstrate His power and counsel when you act on instructions and directions from Him.

Beloved of God,what has God put in your heart this year or even years back that you are yet to act on? I encourage you to obey and follow through with those things. The fruits that will come will bless God’s kingdom, your generation and many generations to come. Therefore,as you enter into another work experience this year,think fruitfulness,smell fruitfulness, see fruitfulness, walk and talk fruitfulness and beyond all,possess fruitfulness. Please confess this after me:

I am a fruit-bearing vessel for God’s kingdom and for my generation. I am destined for fruitfulness. I receive fruitfulness for my labor this year in Jesus name.

Prophetic Prayer
I pray for you today:
1.⁠ ⁠May your work experience this year be fruitful in the name of Jesus.

2.⁠ ⁠It shall be fruitful at the beginning of the year,it shall be fruitful in mid year,and so shall it be till the end of the year.

3.⁠ ⁠Whatever you begin to lay your hands upon today shall prosper.

4.⁠ ⁠This year,the seed of fruitfulness in you shall not dry.

5.⁠ ⁠This year,you will make money and command wealth.
Go and make it; go and be fruitful.You will return with testimonies.

So shall it be in Jesus name. Amen.

Have a blessed day, a fruitful week and a prosperous year.


Have a blessed day and a fruitful week.


Yours in Christ
Revd Dr Bayo Sola Aremu
Church Pastor
Yaba Baptist Church
Sabo-Yaba Lagos

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