Social Concern Ministry
The poor you will always have with you Mat. 26:11a
As a church, we are fully committed to meeting the physical and spiritual needs of the poor and the needy. Every Tuesday, we observe fellowship hours between 4.30 and 6.00p.m for the following activities:
• Large numbers of the needy are welcome to the Church to receive foodstuff, fairly used and clean clothes, shoes, bags and household materials.
• They are also counselled to embrace the value of hardwork rather than calling weekly to receive food, clothes, and money.
• Financial supports are also given to the sick, unemployed, indigent students, refugees, disaster victims, apprentices, and money for cottage industries.
• Spiritual needs are met by special ministrations held twice a month. Through this, many unbelievers have been led to Christ.
• Apart from the weekly prayers and ministrations, workshops are held at various intervals to train church members and non-members in various skills including soap making, baking, juice production, candle & shoe polish production, farming (animal husbandry) etc.
As the ministry responds regularly to the needs of the poor and the needy both within and outside the Church here in Lagos, we have also responded to the needs of the victims of communal and religious crisis at various locations outside Lagos.
Do you have a passion for the needy? You can volunteer in the ministry by:
• Joining the ministration and prayers team
• Joining the counseling team
• Teaching a skill for rehabilitation and empowerment
• Giving