Family Enrichment

Strengthen bonds and nurture growth within our community through Family Enrichment.

Family is at the center of all we do at YBC. And YBC through the Family Enrichment Ministry aims at equipping married couples, single parents and those desiring to be married, with bible-based principles, tools, and resources they need to build strong marriages and families.

We utilize Christian instructions, workshops, couple’s fellowship, family enrichment activities, and fellowship outings as relationship growth opportunities. These activities are carried out periodically to enhance family values and sound Christian conducts.

You are invited to be on the look for the next editions of the following programs and avail yourself the opportunity to be equipped:

Parenting Conference:

As a parent, you are encouraged to attend this conference to learn and share experiences with other parents.
This is usually held on the 1st Saturday in March.

Family Picnic:

This is aimed at fostering a better relationship between families and other members of the church.
This usually holds annually on Easter Monday.

Family Revival:

This is one of the Revivals of the church which is aimed at addressing Family-related issues.

It runs from the third Sunday of the Month of May to Wednesday of the same week.

Couples Connect:

The Couples Connects takes place on the weekend of Family Revival Week. It concludes the Family Week. This program is only for couples, and it addresses varying topics that are directly couple-related.
Watch out for the next event!

Also watch out for Quarterly Sharing Life’s Issue and Couples Prayer programs.