Bible Text: Proverbs 26:13-16
“A sluggard says, ‘There’s a lion in the road, a fierce lion roaming the streets!’ As a door turns on its hinges, so a sluggard turns on his bed. A sluggard buries his hand in the dish; he is too lazy to bring it back to his mouth. A sluggard is wiser in his own eyes than seven people who answer discreetly.”

Building on the last lesson, another characteristic of a slothful man is that he lives in a world of wishful thinking. When the sluggard is not sleeping, he thinks about the things he wants to do and the things he wants to get. However, he never takes any action to make his hopes a reality. The tension between his restless mind and his inactive body produces destructive frustrations. According to Proverbs 21:25–26:

“The desire of the slothful killeth him; for his hands refuse to labor. He coveteth greedily all the day long…”_

Moreover, a slothful person is always unproductive in the workplace. As an employee, he is a destructive influence in a company. His lack of initiative and follow-through actually costs the company rather than benefiting it. In fact, fellow employees regard his absence as a relief because they can get on with the tasks at hand without having to get him out of the way or do his work for him. Employers may try to overcome the harmful effects of slothfulness by transferring the sluggard to a less strategic position of responsibility. Unfortunately, this choice often motivates the employee to merely give excuses for why things did not work out as they should have, thus fueling his discontentment and disloyalty. According to Proverbs 10:26:

“As vinegar to the teeth, and as smoke to the eyes, so is the sluggard to them that send him.”

Additionally, a slothful man limits activities by self-induced fears. Sometimes slothfulness is the result of irrational fears, and if left unchecked, it will generate more irrational fears. As an escape from his fears, a slothful person sleeps, and this is exactly what today’s text expresses.

Finally, a slothful person will always deny his attitude of slothfulness. Often, he completely rationalizes slothful behaviour in his mind. He declares he would work if only there were fewer obstacles in his path. Because he has convinced himself that he is merely waiting for more favourable working conditions, he stubbornly denies accusations of laziness. According to Proverbs 26:16:

“The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason.”

Beloved of God, throughout Scripture, we are challenged to work diligently and to do all things in a manner that brings glory to God. Therefore, turn away from the tendencies of slothfulness as you pursue your career and transact your business this year. Let Romans 12:11 be your watchword. It admonishes us to avoid being slothful in business but to be fervent in spirit, serving the Lord with all diligence.
Prophetic Prayer
I pray for you today:

  1. May your labour yield fruitful results this year in Jesus’ name.
    1. Every power sponsored to ruin your business and destroy your
      career shall hit the rock.
    2. You will grow in the strength of the Lord, and your strength shall not
    3. Whatever you lay your hands upon this year shall prosper.
    4. Great and greater shall be your reward this year.

So shall it be in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Have a great day.


Yours in Christ,

Revd. Dr. Bayo Sola Aremu
Church Pastor
Yaba Baptist Church
Sabo-Yaba, Lagos

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