Women's Ministry
Baptist Women Missionary Union
The WMU aims to bring more souls to the Lord’s vineyard and to contribute to the spiritual development of both young and old members and to mission work using her fundamentals of Prayer, Bible & Mission Study, Stewardship & Service, and Missions & Evangelism.
We desire to build lives who will emulate Jesus Christ and promote Christian missions. The WMU is made up of the following sub-groups highlighted below. These organizations take care of the spiritual, physical, and intellectual aspects of womanhood from cradle to the grave.
• Sunbeam Band
• The Girls’ Auxiliary
• The Lydia Auxiliary
• The Baptist Women’s Missionary Society
Join us for any of our meetings & programs:
• Weekly meetings & prayers come up on Mondays 5:00 to 7:00pm; Online meetings on Fridays 5:00 to 6:00 pm
• Monthly Prayer Meetings at Shepherd Hill Baptist Church on every first Saturday of the month.
• Focus Week comes up annually in the last week of January
• Annual Mother’s Day celebrations in May (Second Sunday)
Sunbeam Band
Children occupy an important place in God’s plan. The Sunbeam Band provides early Christian education to children (Mark 10:13-16; Mark 9:36-37) to become mission-driven denominational leaders.
Beginner Sunbeam Band between ages 4 and 6 years
Primary Sunbeam Band is from 7 to 9 years
The ungraded Sunbeam Band is the combination of both Beginner and Primary Sunbeams between ages 4 and 9 years.
Girls’ Auxiliary (G.A.)
“Arise, shine: for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon you” (Isaiah 60:1)
Girls that are older than the Sunbeam age of 9 years (ages 10 to 17) form the Girls’ Auxiliary. This means that girls naturally graduate from the Sunbeam group to the GA group.
The G.A is rich in history having been formed in the year 1922.
Lydia Auxiliary (Lydia)
“To open their eyes and to turn them from darkness to light…” Acts 26:18a
The Lydia was formed to help in ministering to the needs of ladies from 17 years of age (who have never been married nor given birth to any child) in higher institutions, business, and other life vocations.
This is to stimulate interest in missions, to emphasize Christian living, to encourage daily Bible reading and prayer, bringing together all young women for the purpose of fellowship and witnessing and to train in the art of soul winning.
The colours of the Lydia Auxiliary are purple and white. Purple symbolizes royalty and white, purity. It is very important that a Lydia be clean, pure and upright with high level of moral standing in every way.
Women’s Missionary Society (WMS)
“Labourers together with God” (1 Corinthians 3:9)
Women’s Missionary Society (WMS) is an organization for Baptist married women of all ages. Historically, the organization is as old as WMU. Our young women graduate to this group after they are married.
The WMS focuses on:
- Empowering every member for Kingdom growth through in-depth Bible study and prayer.
- Impacting Christian leadership qualities on members to influence their homes by being good wives to their husbands, exemplary mothers to their children, and useful vessels in the church, community, and society.
- Supporting, financing and mentoring young people’s organizations (Sunbeam, GA, Lydia). It is from WMS that workers and advisers are chosen to mentor these groups.
- Raising godly women who will use their human and material resources to promote Kingdom work and growth here on earth
- Preparing women for the Kingdom of God.